Drink Draw and Duplicate!!! Thursday, Oct 3rd!!!
Rucka/Lark - Lazarus v5 - TPB
Rucka/Lark - Lazarus v4 - TPB
Rucka/Lark - Lazarus v3 - TPB
Rucka/Lark - Lazarus v1 - TPB
Kelly Sue DeConnick/Emma Rios - Pretty Deadly v2- TPB
Michel Fiffe - Copra: Round 5 - TPB
Michel Fiffe - Copra: Round 4 - TPB
Thierry Smolderen/Dominique Bertail - Ghost Money: Death in Dubai - HC
Merwan - False Guard - SC
Rochette/Bocquet - Snow Piercer 3: Terminus - HC
Sim/Grubaugh - The Strange Death of Alex Raymond - HC
Samura - #3 Blade of the Immortal (Omnibus) - SC
Samura - #2 Blade of the Immortal (Omnibus) - SC
Marvano - 1943 Berlin: The Seven Drarves - SC
Boucq/Charyn - Little Tulip - SC
Boucq/Charyn - Billy Bud, KGB - SC
Chris Wright - Blacklung - HC
Morvan/Alary/Various - The Cimmerian v1: Queen...Black Coast/Red Nails (Conan) - HC
Matt Kindt/Sharlene Kindt - Dept H Omnibus v2 - SC
Geof Darrow - The Shaolin Cowboy: Who'll Stop the Reign? - SC
Geof Darrow - The Shaolin Cowboy: Shemp Buffet - SC
Marazano/Ponzio - Memories From the Civil War (1) - SC
Marvano/Haldeman - The Forever War: Forever Free - SC
Marvano/Haldeman - The Forever War - SC